Health Update

Friday, January 9, 2009

I have been pretty sick for about 6 months. I've had a seizure like movement disorder and some on and off I couldn't use my arms and legs for a while but luckily I think we found a medication that is helping so so much I feel so good and I haven't had any convolutions all day and I only had about 5 yesterday (that's really good I've had up to 200 before.) I think my Dr.'s are narrowing down what I have but there all big medical words that no one has heard of so I'll spare you until I know which big word it is for sure. I wanted to thank everyone for your prayers and encouraging words of comfort thank you


Ike said...

That's great news!

Jana Banana said...

yes, that IS great news! Thanks for the update, we are always thinking of you guys!

The Bennett Family said...

I'm so glad to hear that, Gretta! That would be such a relief if they found something that is realy working. We're very bummed that we got snowed in on Monday and we didn't get to see you guys before you left. The girls were so disappointed. :( We'll have to mail your girls' presents to you.