pics of our beautiful girls

Monday, November 30, 2009

We had a great time putting up our Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving I thought I would take a picture to remember how pretty it is before all the bulbs get taken off and hidden all over the house like easter eggs
My goal is to some day have a mantle to put our stocking on so I don't have to nail them to the wall

Everyone in our family got a little gingerbread house to put together this year it was so much fun. Brownie points to anyone how can guess who made each one.....hint Mommy made Alivia's as well as her own.

Alivia Had a Dr.'s appointment today she is in the 50% for her weight, and at her last appointment she was in the 10% she is growing very fast. She is only in the 10% for her height so she might have to borrow some shoes from her aunt Audrey when she grows up.

Daddy did the girls hair for church all by himself. He was so proud when Eva told him It looked just like when Mommy did it.

The princess jammies are a staple in my girls wardrobe they are rarely seen inside our house without them. I think they get it from their Mommy. The other day I got up and got dressed right away ( instead of at noon) and Eva kept asking where I was going. She didn't understand why I would get dressed without a good reason.


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Love all your Christmas decor! And your girls are so cute! That's so cool Nate did the girl's hair "just like mommy" That's a serious compliment! :)

Erica said...

Your girls are gorgeous!