We are back finally

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sorry for the long blog hiatus. I lost my upload cord from the camera to the computer. After looking for 3 months my loving husband bought me a new one.

Emmie's 3rd birthday cake Eva and Emmie in their new birthday dresses This was my favorite doll from my childhood I got her for Christmas when I was 2 I named her Ashel. her hair has been a matted mess since before I can remember I got an Idea from a friends blog to soak her hair in fabric softener, I did it over night it worked like a charm I was able to style her hair for for the first time in my life and have it looks pretty good

this is my new art work in the bathroom I made it out of toilet paper rolls and spray painted it black (thanks for the great Idea Amy) We also had time while Rachel was here to update the bathroom. I LOVE it

We replaced the flooring in our kitchen after we got back from Utah. We started by pulling up the vinyl
while my kitchen was torn up I did my dishes in the bathtub
We brought Aunt Waychol with us to help with the tile (by help I mean do most of the work).

Eva was a big help with Alivia while we where working

Eva and Emmie love to cuddle with their baby sister Emmie not wearing her crown with pride at all
Eva wearing her crown with pride
Alivia's first sold food

Eva and Emmie's sleep over with there cousin Bryn

Eva Kept asking me why she couldn't sleep on the stairs
Audry had to do a home EEG . I tried to dress up the bandages with a flower so it would look more like a hat. It's nice to know someone with more Neurological problems then me
Nana rarely cooks. When we are blessed with such an occasion, we like documentation.
We asked Emmie what she wanted for her birthday and all she wanted was her grandpa

the girls made a princess gingerbread house with grandpa Myers
My Mom and I had a hair dye party I think we look alot alike with our hair like this
Twin cousins, Aivia and Corban are only one month apart but the weigh about the same
Sledding in the house is more fun, you never get a runny nose or cold fingers and toes
Alivia would get sad whenever I would take her uncle Heinrich away


Ash said...

Thanks for the update! Such cute girls you guys have. That Emmie looks like quite the character. Your bathroom looks way cute and I wanna see pics of the kitchen when your done. I'm thinking of tackling that project in my house soon.

Mikey, Anna, Lillie and Sam said...

Love the pictures. I can't believe Ashle's hair.