The Pill Burden

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The pill burden is something you learn about in pharmacy school. Basically the more pills a person is required to take the higher their pill burden is and the less likely they are to take their medication. Anyway Gretta has a big pill burden currently. She takes 9 pills a day right now, and some of them are not small as you see referenced by the quarter. Always impressive when she takes 4 or 5 pills in one gulp. Love you babe, thanks for remembering to take your medicine even though it can be burdensome.


Jana Banana said...

9 pills! That would be a burden! Glad they are helping her feel better though :)

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

That's a lot of pills!!

Mikey, Anna, Lillie and Sam said...

All that practice with golden seal and echinacea over the years from Mom really pays off on getting those pills down.

Miles Family said...

No kidding, I bet everyone in our family can swallow pills like nobodies business.

Kimberlee said...

My mom made us take golden seal and echinacea growing up as well. That and garlic pills. GAG!