Some cute girls

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's only taken about a year and a half but Eva and Emmie are finally starting to get along most of the time. They still have their occasional fight, but 95% of the time they are very cute together. Lately they like to wake up together and have "cuddle time" where they just lay in bed and giggle until they decide they want breakfast.

Emmie keeps herself entertained with anything she can find. From a rock to a piece of cardboard she will be happy as a clam, until you try to take away that sharp stick she found in the backyard.
Eva is still our little princess and loves to dress up and play with her polly pocket princesses. She has lately been on her best behavior to earn stickers for her 'Good Girl Chart'. When she fills it up she gets a big prize like a new princess doll or a new pretty dress.
This is a picture of when Eva was sharing the potatoes with her princesses. She was funny. She talks for the princesses and said "Yum yum yum, I love potatoes". She's very good at making sure her princesses eat when she does and go to bed and take baths and naps.