Saturday, August 9, 2008
Two weeks ago I decided on Sunday to fly out on Monday to help my mom with a very intense surgery. The plane ride was very interesting; complete with Eva screaming we're all going to die! we're going to crash mommy!, Emmie crying so hard she threw up all over the seat in front of us. Then when I let her out of her car seat she pulled the hair of some poor lady who was unlucky enough to be seated in front us, and when we got off the plane some mean old lady yelled at me because she couldn't get around my two kids our stroller, two large carry on bags, and our annoying car seat that I was clumsily trying to push by myself. When I realized I would have to do it all again in just a few days it brought me to tears luckily the way home went very smooth and was uneventful.My Moms surgery went very well but her recovery will be very long and painful. It was hard to watch her suffer so much. I hope she will feel better soon. We had a lot of fun with visits from my many siblings coming to check on my mom. At one time we had 5 adults 12 kids and 2 dogs running around. I don't think my mom got enough sleep but she did enjoy the company a lot.
Just one day after my mom was released from the hospital, the mountain behind there house caught on fire and we were only one block away from being evacuated. This picture was taken from very close to their house.
Sorry Kim, I know this grossed you out when you saw this, but I thought this was very funny. When I was making food for one of the large crowds coming to see my mom, Emmie got into the mayo then she was very sick the rest of the week maybe there was a connection.
I hope your mom is doing well! That plane ride sounds awfully hard to do by yourself!! You are one tough women!
Oh- and that is so gross! Mayo??!!
Wow Gretta...what an adventure!! I'm glad you survived.
I have to admit, that mayo pic is totally disgusting. Emmie looks cute...just the mayo all over her and in her mouth...totally gross! Just the thought of eating a slab of mayo makes me sick.
Hope your mom gets feeling better soon. That was sure sweet of you to go spend time with her as she recovers.
It was fun to read about Nate's adventures while you were gone. Is the fish still alive? still makes me sick!
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