Friday, September 12, 2008
Lately it seems Eva has been doing something everyday to crack us up. Here are just a couple of the more memorable ones:Grandpa Woolf got Eva a fancy dress up dress from Target. After she was finally done playing with it, she took it off, gently folded it up, and put it in a laundry basket. Then she asked for a blanket saying "I need a blanket because my dress wants to go to bed." She then proceeded to tuck her dress in and give it a kiss goodnight.
Today Eva got some presents in the mail from her Nana. One of her presents were some pretty silver and gold bracelets. As we were walking by Eva's room we could hear her giggle and say "Oh, you are so handsome!" We poked our heads in to see exactly what was so dang handsome. She had put her bracelet on one of her bed posts and it had become the crown of her make believe prince. We're going to work extra hard to make sure anybody handsome in her room besides her daddy is make believe.
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