Let us offer some words of advice, especially to some of the new parents out there. Always make sure that you have diapers on hand. Stash a couple in every room of your house. We made the mistake of assuming we had diapers, because we bought a big box of them at Sam's Club. There was no way we could be out of diapers. Certainly there was another bag of diapers in that big box. But alas, on Saturday afternoon we discovered the mighty supply had finally been pooped out. Nate was going to bring some home from work and Gretta assumed she could make it a few more hours without a diaper for Emmie. After all she knows how to use the potty. BIG MISTAKE!! As Gretta checked her e-mail she heard this strange sound like someone was spilling water on the floor (a common occurrence at our home). As she went to investigate she found Emmie, stark naked, croutched over her purse, peeing on her wallet. Emmie was kind enough to make sure the wallet was open as she carefully aimed her pee at it. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOMMY!!
It's hard to stay mad at this cutie.
Looks like Mommy gets a new wallet and purse for Mother's Day!