Their first big haul!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

This year was the first year that we went trick or treating with the girls where they had the energy to go to more than five houses. They had tons of fun! Eva was very polite at every house and said thank you at each house and Emmie just loved to see all the Halloween decorations. And mom and dad are excited to make sure all those Snickers and Reeses aren't poisoned.

dressing up is fun to do to do to do

I know Eva doesn't look much diffrent on Halloween then any other day but we thought you might like to see what we looked like for Halloween this year. Nate had a wonderful costume of Nate so we did not get a picture.

This is the first time I put makeup on Eva. She loved it and said that her Eyes looked magical!

Moose hair

Sunday, October 26, 2008

For about the last 6 months every time I try to put Eva hair up she cries and cries. She loves her hair down like a princess. Today when we were getting ready for church I was able to talk her into doing pig tails. When I got her hair done she said thanks mommy, I love moose hair. I can't deny that her hair does look a little like a moose.

Halloween Fun

Friday, October 24, 2008

We've been getting into the Halloween spirit at our house lately. Here is Gretta and her impressive pumpkin carving. Not bad for a girl who has convulsions eh? Nothing will make a husband nervous like watching his wife have convulsions while holding an exacto knife. In case you didn't know, Gretta hasn't quite recovered yet and can have some pretty bad days. But Halloween makes her happy.

When Gretta started carving the pumpkin, Emmie watched with a horrified look on her face and said "Ouuuch, ouuuuch!" then she started to cry and it took us a few minutes to realize it was because she thought we were hurting her pumpkey.

Happy Halloween!

Our Pet for a day

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to have our snack outside on our front porch the weather was so nice it was about 75 degrees, and the girls love to go out side, but I forgot to shut the door all the way. A few hours after we came inside I heard a rustling sound by a grocery bag on the floor and I blew it off, but Eva wanted to investigate. she picked up the empty bag and started screaming and ran to get a shoe to squish the little intruder. Then I saw a cute little lizard run under our sofa. I explained to Eva that lizards are nice and we don't squish them like mean spiders. We tried to catch the lizard in bowls and cups. That little sucker was so freaking fast it even ran up our curtains at one point. (I did not know that they could do that and I was very hard not to scream but I did not want to scare the kids) I finally came up with a good plain to get the lizard. I put a Christmas stocking down (which I just bought for Emmie) on the floor and used a stick to get him to run into it then I finally took him outside.
When I was little my brothers and sister would go lizard hunting I remember it being very easy and it seemed like it didn't take us long to catch them but now I'm old and slow. It took a little over two hours to catch him safely. Eva asked if she could catch him again today because she had so much fun, but I hope Mr lizard has learned his lesson and wont sneak in again.

Pumpkey pumpkey

Monday, October 20, 2008

I finally learned how to be a good blogger nerd and make a fancy blog. I used to make fun of all the fancy blogs thinking they took hours to put up until I realized "hey I think I'm one of the only ones without a fancy blog, it must not be as hard as it looks", and it wasn't. I'm so surprised I was able to do it all by myself without Nate' s help.

We went to a pumpkin patch on Friday. The girls loved it. They had a hay bail maze and a pit full of dried corn that they played in forever. Emmie also learned how to say pumpkin, or pumpkey (close enough right?). She walks around the house with her baby pumpkin all day and she even took a bath with it this morning.

Nate's Six Quirks

Thursday, October 16, 2008

1. I'm just a big kid. I could probably sit and play Nintendo for 18 hours a day if nobody bothered me or told me I need to eat or go to school. I almost bought an Optimus Prime Transformer toy yesterday because I thought it looked as cool today as it did when I was 7 years old.

2. Like Gretta and my sis Heather I am a nail biter. My parents tried to get me to stop. They once paid me to grow them out thinking that would break me of the habit, but I just collected my money and bit them back down.

3. I am not an impulse buyer. If I want something and I can afford it I won't buy it. I'll read at least 4 reviews of it online first. Then I'll compare it to similar things and read 4 reviews of those things. Then I'll run price comparisons on every item. Then I'll monitor the prices on EBay. Then Gretta finally says "Just buy it already and quit spending all your time researching the stupid thing." I hate to get ripped off.

4. I hate dressing up. Between work, church, and school I have to wear slacks and a collared shirt 6-7 days per week. My solution: put some casual clothes in the trunk and change ASAP.

5. I spoil my kids. I'm just a sucker to see them smile. I'll go buy a Happy Meal at McDonald's for lunch and ask for the girl toy to give to my girls. I wonder if the McDonald's employees ever wonder why this 28 year old man wants a girl Happy Meal.

6. I love to watch movies. I think I inherited it from my Granpa Woolf who had a HUGE movie library. One year my New Year's resolution was to watch a movie every single day. I didn't seriously think I'd go an entire year, but I did make it to mid-February before I missed a day. We love the Netflix and Redbox and our occasional free HBO weekends. There's nothing better than cuddling up with Gretta and watching a movie. But even when Gretta goes out of town I'll hit the theater by myself.

very quirky

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Six Quirks About Me:

(1) I bite my nails. I know that's not very quirky but I also bite my kids nails. It started when I cut Eva finger really bad two times in a row when she was just a few weeks old. Now I only bite them off so my babies don't get hurt.

(2) I like to pop zits I know some people think it gross but I think its very interesting. My brothers still ask me to pop zits on their backs and behind there ears because their wives get grossed out by it.

(3) I'm very touchy. Not in the Bo ho you hurt my feeling way but In the constantly touching people way. When Nate sits down on the couch I sit as close as I can get. When we're walking together I always link arms or hold his hand. When I see a pregnant lady that I know I always rub her belly, and I cuddle with my girls at least4 times a day.

(4) I Never leave the house without putting a flower or a bow in my girls hair. I can look like crap no makeup (that's why they invented sunglasses) I won't even brush my hair but my girls have to look nice.

(5) I watch HGTV way to much

(6) I can not spell very well at all. I think I can Spell at a 3 or 4 grade level if I'm lucky. You probably all ready know this if you have ever read one of my blog posts.

I'll try to get Nate to put his quirks on next

Gretta & Nate Plus 8

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanks to Jen for our first tag. It was kinda fun, like a wedding shower game to see how our answers compare. (N) for Nate (G) for Gretta . . .

8 TV Shows I Love to Watch
30 Rock (N) LOST (G)
The Office (N) 30 Rock (G)
Heroes (N) The Office (G)
Futurama (N) Pushing Daisies (G)
Flight of the Conchords (N) Desperate Housewives (G)
Colbert Report (N) Designed to Sell (G)
LOST (N) Heroes (G)
Family Guy (N) Chuck (G)

8 Favorite Resaurants

Beninhana (N) The Garden (G)
Outback (N) Outback (G)
Dion's (N) Flying Star (G)
Chilis (N) Chilis (G)
Tucanos (N) Benihana (G)
Mandarin (N) Olive Garden (G)
Cafe Rio (N) Cafe Rio (G)
Brick Oven (N) Dions (G)

8 Things I did yesterday

Woke up too early (N) Got girls dressed (G)
Went to school (N) Fed the girls (G)
Went to Costco for lunch (N) Found a babysitter (G)
Went back to School (N) Went to chiropractor (G)
Went to work (N) Watched Barbie movies on YouTube (G)
Watched TV w/ Gretta (N) Took a nap! (that don't happen often) (G)
Ate dinner (N) Made dinner (G)
Put Eva to bed (N) Went to an enrichment meeting (G)

8 Things I'm looking forward to

Fall Break (N) Finding a doctor to fix my problem (G)
Thanksgiving Break (N) Fall Break (G)
Christmas Break (N) Thanksgiving Break (G)
Spring Break (N) Christmas (G)
Summer Break (N) Spring Break (G)
Graduation (N) Nate being done with school (G)
Getting licensed (N) Having more babies (G)
Moving back to Utah (N) Being close to family (G)

8 Things on my wish list

Plasma TV (N) Flat TV (G)
An exotic cruise (N) A potty trained Emmie (G)
FJ Cruiser (N) Kids to stop fighting (G)
iMac (N) Nate to be done with school (G)
Blu-ray (N) To have more time with Nate (G)
New acoustic guitar (N) A maid (G)
Golf clubs (N) A finished backyard (G)
Dog (N) A common naptime for me and the girls (G)

8 people I tag

Heather Bennett
Jeff & Audrey
Morris & Ashley

Balloon Fiesta Fun

Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Every year for about a week and a half we have balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. In the past I was too lazy to wake up early and track the balloons down, but today I felt ambitious so I packed up the girls in the minivan and started chasing the balloons. It was a lot of fun and the girls loved it. Emmie kept yelling 'boon boon'. I was almost hit a few times by the balloonist trucks and trailers that were looking up in the sky trying to keep track of the balloon so they could help them land. and I heard a few ambulances and fire trucks I'm sure they were going to accidents of people who where looking at all of the balloons instead of the road. We were lucky enough to find 3 balloons landing. The girls were too scared to get out and take a pic by the balloons but they loved looking at them from the car.
The white balloon had a very hard landing and the basket was dragged for a few yards and almost tipped over before some big guys came running and helped stop it.

even my accesories match halloween

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I really just wanted to stop looking at the post that Nate put on. It brought back too many bad memories. Seriously that was the oddest move I have or will ever see. But on a happier note I thought I would post some cute pics of my kids, and of the cutest chore chart I have ever seen that Nate's mom just sent me in the mail (thanks Nanna:)

The most bizarre movie of all time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

We watch a lot of movies. We've seen our fair share of good movies, bad movies, and strange movies. We are proud to say we have found the most bizarre movie ever created. Thank you 1977 for giving us Eraserhead. If you like mutant babies, people's heads falling off, and dream sequences that make you wonder if someone slipped you some LSD, then this is the movie for you. Add it to your Netflix que, or watch it online. With any luck you'll have a trippy dream that would make even the longest haired hippie jealous.