Our Pet for a day

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to have our snack outside on our front porch the weather was so nice it was about 75 degrees, and the girls love to go out side, but I forgot to shut the door all the way. A few hours after we came inside I heard a rustling sound by a grocery bag on the floor and I blew it off, but Eva wanted to investigate. she picked up the empty bag and started screaming and ran to get a shoe to squish the little intruder. Then I saw a cute little lizard run under our sofa. I explained to Eva that lizards are nice and we don't squish them like mean spiders. We tried to catch the lizard in bowls and cups. That little sucker was so freaking fast it even ran up our curtains at one point. (I did not know that they could do that and I was very hard not to scream but I did not want to scare the kids) I finally came up with a good plain to get the lizard. I put a Christmas stocking down (which I just bought for Emmie) on the floor and used a stick to get him to run into it then I finally took him outside.
When I was little my brothers and sister would go lizard hunting I remember it being very easy and it seemed like it didn't take us long to catch them but now I'm old and slow. It took a little over two hours to catch him safely. Eva asked if she could catch him again today because she had so much fun, but I hope Mr lizard has learned his lesson and wont sneak in again.


Kimberlee said...

Your not getting slow & old...lizards are just getting faster. It's that whole survival of the fittest thing. :)