She's on to us

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lately Eva won't go to bed without this silly green bear that she picked up at my mom's house. I think it's my little sister Emily's that ended up at our house somehow. By the time we put their special jammies on and get their sippy cups and find the binky for Emmie, we are in no mood to find this silly bear. So we have been telling Eva that we'll look for it, and then she falls asleep and we fall asleep and forget all about it. But last night our smart little girl said " Daddy you say you're going to find my bear but then you just fall asleep. It's not fair. " So we really had to find it last night

Last week we were watching a neighbor's little boy who is a little older than Eva. He was doing all the typical little boy things; making everything into swords and breaking things. Then Eva said "He's naughty that's why his mom dropped him off, isn't it"


Jen said...

That is pretty funny. Eva is a little smartie-pants isn't she.